The graveyard on the golf course

On the Surrey National Golf Course in Caterham, a little south of Croydon, there is an unusual feature: the somewhat overgrown burial ground from St Lawrence's Hospital. While Caterham-on-the-Hill is mostly housing now, until the 1990s it was home to military barracks and a large mental hospital, which was formerly an asylum. The patients were those which we would today consider to have learning disabilities. I had read that the burial ground had been located on the golf course but I wasn't sure how accessible it would be. I took a 466 bus to the Tesco at Caterham-on-the-Hill and walked through a residential estate for about 10 minutes until I reached the end of Drake Avenue, where it meets Fairbourne Lane. There I found the entrance to the public bridleway which crosses the golf course. After walking along a track with high hedges both sides, I found a gate on my right, with a sign on it informing me it was St Lawrence's Burial Ground, inviting me to "enjoy the peace...